Thursday 11 February 2010

Third Team Meeting. 9/12/09.

Third Team Meeting.
I developed more skills during this team meeting as it was my first time of being the secretary. Connor was the chairman. Me and Connor had two huge problems during this meeting and this was that George and Megan could not be at this meeting, so we had to overcome this problem by using own initiatives and working together which helped build our teamwork skills, and we also emailed George and Megan and informed then of what took place during this meeting, and of their own action points that we had given them.
Firstly, me and Connor discussed the brochures. We still only had one due to Megan havin many absences (personal injury), so we decicided that we would email her and ask her about the current brochure situation, and gave her the action point of informing us of the current situation and ordering more if need be. We then discussed the client interview, Megan had been able to give us all her research before her accident, George had given us his, and me and Connor had been able to complete all of our research, and so we sent all this on to Megan and gave her the action point of sending this to the client.

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