Thursday 11 February 2010

Second Team Meeting. 2/12/09

Second Team Meeting
I was the chairman for this team meeting, and Megan Dalley was the secretary. We discussed topics such as brochures, hierachy, accesibilty, colour schemes, royalty free images and emailing the client. I discussed with Megan whether the brochures had all been receives, and found only UK's brochure had been received, I gave George Cook the action point of ordering more brochures online. I then discussed whether Connor had researched into the hierachy, and he had. So his next action point was to email the client awaiting the decision. The next topic raised was accesibility issues, Megan had fully researched this, and so her next action point was to email this to the client. I then discussed my research into the colour scheme and royalty free images, my action points was then to research these again in further detail. We then decided we would not email the client with all the feedback until it had all been done, this would then be George Cooks action point to email him once all research had been done. There was also one problem during this meeting and that was the fact that George could nto attend, so we overcome this by emailing him his action points. I also developed more skills because I was the chairman.

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