Thursday, 11 February 2010

Changing Web Page Name. 11/2/2010.

I did this for all of my pages by going into my source code, and finding the part that says it changed the web page name, and changed them all individuall for each page.

Optimising my images. 11/2/2010.

As I need my webpages to load as quickly as possible, and so I had to optimise all my images to make sure that they do not take too long. To do this i simply open the image in Adobe Photoshop, and edit the image size, select actual pixals, then 'save for web and devices', once here I select '2UP', this then gives me the option to have the image set to 'low','medium','high', etc, once I have selected say low, the loading time reduces, I did this for all of my images.

Creating my 'Recipies' page. 1/2/2010.

I found this page the most interesting to research, I did the same thing as with the other pages except, ofcourse I used recipies and images of food relevent to them. I also added links down the right hand side as I did before. However, the main thing that is different for this page is that I added a youtube video on the creation of baked rice! To do this I simply copied the url on youtube and pasted it to line 9 of my source code, I had to add 'style' before and after this too. My video then succesfully worked. This page also has a problem with the scrolling image.

Creating my Facts Page. 28/1/2010.

I did exactly the same thing to this page as I did for my other page, except for the fact that all the images are different, and that the text is too. I also decided not to use any links on this page, I just added a section called 'Interesting Facts!', and this was easy to add as I simply write it out in the box. I used my own initiative to create this page. Again a problem was the scrolling image.

Creating my Maltese Traditions Page. 25/1/2010.

Firstly, I deleted any bits on this page that I didnt want such as the image of the plate which is on the homepage. I then found the correct part of the code which was called 'main body' and inputed a title, 'Maltese Traditions'. I then added an image of the Maltese flag, I did this by selecting 'insert', 'image', then choosing my image and correctly inserting it to where I wanted it in my code. Next, I added relevent information that I wanted to include on this page underneath. I also changed the first borders to red, which is the same method as when i changed the colour of the buttons. Once I had done all this, I then had to focus on the right hand side of my webpage. Here I decided to delete all the current text, and add a section of choices of different links relevant to the topic. I did this by finding the part in the source code with a link that said 'more' copying and pasting it, and then inserting the link I wanted it to go to. I then added more images so that they in the exact position of being next to the left hand side text. Me and my group have an image that scrolls down the page once the scroll bar is used, I decided that I wanted this on all of my three pages, and so like before, I copied, and pasted this image into my own folder, then edited it so that it was an image of the word 'Malta'. I then added the correct code to line 9 of my source code. However, although this image succesfully scrolls down the page, there is a major problem with it of which is the fact once you get to the bottom of the page, the image disappears and then scree goes white down the bottom, this was my main problem and as of yet I have not been able to correct it.

21/1/2010. Changing Colour Of Buttons On All Pages.

Button Colour For Three Pages.
As there is red on the Maltese flag, I decided to then change the colour of my buttons to red. I used my own initiative to do this. Firstly, I went into my groups image folder and found the image for the button. I then copied it and pasted it into my own seperate folder calling it a different name. I opened it in photoshop, and then coloured it in red. Once I had saved this all of my buttons had then turnt red.

Correcting The Code For The Top Buttons. 21/1/2010.

Editing Code.
The first thing I had to do was to re- name the buttons at the top of my page to 'Malta', 'Facts' and 'Recipies'. I used my own initiative to do this by simply selecting the button and changing the text. However, I then needed to make sure that once you click on a button it takes you to the correct page. To find out how to do this, I asked my team mate George. I found that I had to go into the source code, and find the part that works these buttons. I then changed the name of which the button would go to. Once this was correct I could then start with the styling of my first page, 'Malta'.

Retreiving Correct Files. 21/1/2010

Starting My Website Pages.
the first thing I had to do before U could start my website construction was to go inti the student shared server, and copy the files that I need which included the index file, Malta1,2 and 3. We choose which template we wanted before copying the files. Once these files were in my own seperate folder on my USB stick I could then get to work with my first page which was to be called Malta.

Fourth Team Meeting. 20/1/2010.

Fourth Team Meeting.
Chairman: Megan
Secretary: Connor
We discussed how we need to all finish the homepage of our website, and add the mascot. We also dicsussed how each individual member would need to have all three of their own pages on their country completed by the 20/1/2010 so we could re-edit them for the final deadline of 11/2/2010, this was a problem as we had not all finished our pages by then and so had more work to do nearer this time.

Third Team Meeting. 9/12/09.

Third Team Meeting.
I developed more skills during this team meeting as it was my first time of being the secretary. Connor was the chairman. Me and Connor had two huge problems during this meeting and this was that George and Megan could not be at this meeting, so we had to overcome this problem by using own initiatives and working together which helped build our teamwork skills, and we also emailed George and Megan and informed then of what took place during this meeting, and of their own action points that we had given them.
Firstly, me and Connor discussed the brochures. We still only had one due to Megan havin many absences (personal injury), so we decicided that we would email her and ask her about the current brochure situation, and gave her the action point of informing us of the current situation and ordering more if need be. We then discussed the client interview, Megan had been able to give us all her research before her accident, George had given us his, and me and Connor had been able to complete all of our research, and so we sent all this on to Megan and gave her the action point of sending this to the client.

Further Research Into Royalty Free Images and Colour Schemes. 4/12/09.

Royalty Free Images/ Colour Schemes
I carried out more research on the colour schemes and royalty free images, and decided to stick with my original colour schemes by using my own initiative, and managed to find more websites with the help my teacher.

Second Team Meeting. 2/12/09

Second Team Meeting
I was the chairman for this team meeting, and Megan Dalley was the secretary. We discussed topics such as brochures, hierachy, accesibilty, colour schemes, royalty free images and emailing the client. I discussed with Megan whether the brochures had all been receives, and found only UK's brochure had been received, I gave George Cook the action point of ordering more brochures online. I then discussed whether Connor had researched into the hierachy, and he had. So his next action point was to email the client awaiting the decision. The next topic raised was accesibility issues, Megan had fully researched this, and so her next action point was to email this to the client. I then discussed my research into the colour scheme and royalty free images, my action points was then to research these again in further detail. We then decided we would not email the client with all the feedback until it had all been done, this would then be George Cooks action point to email him once all research had been done. There was also one problem during this meeting and that was the fact that George could nto attend, so we overcome this by emailing him his action points. I also developed more skills because I was the chairman.

Researching Royalty Free Images. 28/10/09.

Royalty Free Images
One of my other action points was to research into royalty free image websites, my team wanted me to find 10 of these, yet I had a problem with finding these kind of websites as I found most of them you needed to pay in order to save the image. I coud only find 1 or 2 of these websites and so this caused a problem for my team of which I would need to discuss in the next team meeting.

Researching Colour Schemes. 26/10/09.

Colour Schemes For Website
One of my action points was to research into colour schemes that would be suitable for my target audience for 11-16 year olds, from doing this I found a lot of information on this age group and picked three different colour schemes that I felt were suitable for my target audience. I was to then show these at my next team meeting.