Monday 25 January 2010

Formal Meeting. 25/10/09

First Team Meeting.
It was decided before our first team meeting that we would make a rota so that we all get turns of being the secretary and chairman. For our initial meeting, George Cook was the chairman and Connor Handley, the secretary. There was three main topics, brochures, client interview, layout ideas and there was also some other future topics raised. It was decided that Megan would be in charge of brochures and keeping us up to date on which have and havent been received. When discussing the client interview Connor was given the job of researching the hierarchy structure, Megan was to research accesibilty requirements, George research the target audience, and my action point was research and choose 3 different colour schemes for our website. I was also given the task of researching royalty free image sites when discussing the layout. When talking about furthee topics, Megan was choosen to email the client requesting logos.

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