Monday, 25 January 2010

Formal Meeting. 25/10/09

First Team Meeting.
It was decided before our first team meeting that we would make a rota so that we all get turns of being the secretary and chairman. For our initial meeting, George Cook was the chairman and Connor Handley, the secretary. There was three main topics, brochures, client interview, layout ideas and there was also some other future topics raised. It was decided that Megan would be in charge of brochures and keeping us up to date on which have and havent been received. When discussing the client interview Connor was given the job of researching the hierarchy structure, Megan was to research accesibilty requirements, George research the target audience, and my action point was research and choose 3 different colour schemes for our website. I was also given the task of researching royalty free image sites when discussing the layout. When talking about furthee topics, Megan was choosen to email the client requesting logos.

Formal Meeting. 20/10/09

Client Interview.
At the client interview me and Megan took it in turns to ask questions to the client. We write any feedback in note form. After the client interview me and Megan then gave feedback to the rest of the team members. We also write up the notes into Microsoft Word, each member of the team was then given a copy of this to keep.
The purpose of the client interview was to determine the exact outcome the client wanted from the website, and to also see if our current ideas were acceptable, or if they needed to be edited a little bit or completely changed.

Informal Meeting. 20/10/09

Preparations for the client interview.
Our team all got together to prepare for our client interview that was later on that lesson.
We all needed roles to play for this interview as only two people could go the actual meeting and so our other two members needed tasks to do to contribute. So George and Connor write up the questions that we was going to ask the client at the interview and Me and Megan were the ones that would go the client meeting and ask them.

Informal Meeting. 13/10/09

Researching and ordering brouchures on our countries.
The team gave Megan feedback from the previous lesson as she was absent.
Each of then had to take responsibilty for our individual countries, and researched into magazines about that countries that were based around food, we did this on the internet. Everyone could find brouchures for their countries apart from me, as I coudn't find one on Maltese food. However, as our team all supported eachother, this issue was solved as Megan then helped me research into Maltese brouchures and she managed to find one. Every team member then had a brouchure per country.

Informal Meeting. 12/10/09

Choosing the countries
Our team got toegther and discussed what countries we would be basing our website around. Each team member then picked one of these countries. A problem then occured as Megan was absent for this lesson, so we used our problem solving skills and our own initiate and decided that we would overcome this issue by informing Megan by SMS, George decided to give her this feedback. We all decided that I would have the country Malta, Connor would have the country United Kingdom, George had Italy, and Megan would have Sweden.

Mind Mapping. 16/10/09

Mind Mapping the website strucuture for the website.
Me and my team mates needed to create an overall website structure for out site, so we decided to create a mind map. We all sat down and created this mind map together by using our own initiative and team work skills. We all also contributed ideas when creating our mind map, for example, I suggested that include a 'contact us' web page to our website, so our audience can then contact our client with queries, etc. Connor was then delegated the task of drawing up the mind map and then putting this into the Microsoft programme Visio. George was given the task of doing the projetc plan for the team, this would help us keep track of our progression.